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There’s a lot of information on the internet about ideal clients – why they are important and how to figure out who they are. If you’re reading this article, I’m going to assume that you know who your ideal client is or at least have an idea of who you do and don’t want to […]

How to attract your ideal clients to your online business

Digital marketing is a term that adopts a wide range of marketing activities from social media, email marketing, content marketing, online advertising, SEO and more. It’s easy to see why small businesses can get overwhelmed and confused by which digital marketing avenues to pursue. I want to try and demystify these digital marketing strategies and […]

5 digital marketing strategies for your online business

As a creative business owner it’s so important to make time to work on your business. Working with clients, it’s so easy to spend all your time working in your business but then how does your business grow? What happens when the time comes to stop working with your current clients? How will new clients […]

5 Marketing Platforms I'm Using to Grow My Creative Business | Branding & Marketing for Wedding and Lifestyle Brands

I wrote a post recently on why your small business needs a marketing strategy. If you haven’t read it yet, go check it out and then come back over here. Today I’m going to be explaining why your small business needs a marketing plan. Firstly let me start by saying that whilst a marketing strategy […]

Why Your Small Business Needs A Marketing Plan | Marketing for Creatives

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear SEO? Boring? Complicated? Technical? If you have a blog or a website then you are more than likely to be aware how important SEO is for ranking high up in Google searches and therefore increasing traffic to your website. However chances are that […]

5 Steps to Kickstart Your SEO | SEO for Wedding Businesses

Have you put together a marketing strategy or marketing plan for your small business? If you haven’t why not? Perhaps you think it’s not relevant for a small business such as yours? Perhaps you just haven’t had the time? Or perhaps you don’t know where to start.

Why Your Small Business Needs A Marketing Strategy | Marketing for Creatives

If you have a website or a blog then you may have heard of Google Analytics but don’t have it installed. Or perhaps you haven’t heard of it. Either way, this post is going to be perfect or you. Throughout this post, we’re going to look at Google Analytics from the absolute beginning… Let’s start […]

A Beginners Guide to Google Analytics

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