In today’s episode, I’m going to be sharing with you my business plans and goals for 2024.
I know, I know… it’s the end of February and I’m sharing my plans for 2024 when most people shared theirs back in December or January but do you know what, it doesn’t matter what time of year it is, you can create goals and plans for the next 3, 6 or even 12 months ahead at any time whether it’s January, June or even October.
Plus this is my first podcast episode of the year and I thought it would be fun to share with you what I’ve got planned over the next 12 months or so.

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Let me tell you, a lot has changed in the past 12 months and it’s been a big reason for the silence here on the podcast. I won’t go into things in too much detail but the biggest thing is that my husband and I separated last year and whilst ultimately it’s worked out for the best and we are coparenting really well, it was still a huge adjustment all round.
I had these grand plans to come back in January all hands on deck but do you know what, my mind still wasn’t quite ready. January had it’s own challenges with my daughter going in for an operation. Whilst it was an operation that we knew she would have at some point, nothing can prepare you for that and her aftercare has been longer than anticipated so it’s now the end of February and I finally feel ready to start my year.
Due to the reasons mentioned, I had to put a lot of my plans on hold last year. In May last year I hired a business coach and let me tell you, I was so excited about all the things we spoke about.
We restructured my entire business and whilst the final outcome of how I support my clients and my audience didn’t and hasn’t changed, the delivery of how I support you all was changing. But then the separation happened and I just couldn’t implement the things we spoke about.
But do you know what, I’m ready. I’m ready to take those plans and start implementing them and I’m sharing those plans with you today, right here on this podcast.
Relaunch the podcast
So the first one is relaunching this podcast which is what I started last week. I released last weeks episode and revealed a brand new name and cover art for the podcast which was always part of the plan for the relaunch.
I won’t go into too much detail on the name change because I spoke about it in the last episode so if you haven’t already, listen to the episode before this, episode 31 where I talk about my reasons for the name change.
There will be new podcast episodes every Tuesday and my goal is to consistently release one episode every week.
I’ll admit that this has been something that I’ve struggled with so setting this goal and achieving it will be amazing and I know it will be so beneficial for not only my own business growth but also for you, my wonderful listeners.
Create four brand new courses
So next up and this is a big one, I’m creating and releasing not one but four new courses this year. These courses are a big part of the plan that me and my wonderful business coach worked on last year.
You see, I had launched a 12-month group program – Expand Your Brand which took people from the beginnings of creating scalable offers such as digital products, courses and programs right the way through to growing an audience, launching and building an evergreen funnel.
The problem I had was that when it came to creating the content for this program, I got stuck. It was impossible to put all of this into one course because each part is a whole stage in itself.
So we broke it down into four courses – offer creation, audience growth, launching and evergreen funnels and I have mapped out and am currently working on these courses which I am so excited about.
My audience i.e. you guys, will then be able to choose the best course for you depending on what stage of business you are at. If you’re new to the one-to-many business model, then the offer creation course will be for you. If you need to focus on audience growth to get more eyes on your offers, then the audience growth one is perfect. Got audience growth and launches nailed but now want to focus on creating evergreen funnels, I’ll have a course for that.
The thing I’ve struggled with the most is how to market these courses without feeling like I’m constantly launching. I will have evergreen funnels set up but I also want to do some live launches too so this something I’m still figuring out. I also absolutely love being hands on with my clients so I really want to offer some form of group support alongside these courses but again, I’m not sure what this looks like so watch this space and if you have any ideas on the type of support you’d like to see, drop me a message on Instagram @fleurironline and let me know.
I’ll be sharing more about my journey in creating these offers on this podcast but also in my weekly Digital Diaries email series which leads me nicely onto my next focus for the year – restarting that series.
Restart the weekly Digital Diaries emails
I first came up with the idea of the Digital Diaries weekly series last year when I was restructuring all of my offers. I thought it would be a great insight into what it looks like to build a scalable business model and share my journey with my email subscribers.
I absolutely loved writing those weekly emails, giving my subscribers an inside look behind the scenes of what was going on in my business that week but then as with everything in my business, it all stopped once life started lifing.
So another goal for this year is to start those weekly emails and commit to sending them out each and ever week. The first one went out last week and the next is scheduled for this coming Thursday.
If you want a behind the scenes look and how I’m restructuring my business this year and all the work that goes into building courses and programs as well as a template shop because yes, that’s another goal of mine this year and I’ll talk more about that in a bit, then sign up to my weekly Digital Diairies email series that will be sent out every Thursday at I’ll also leave a link in the shownotes.
Launch a quiz
Next up on my plans for 2024 is to launch a quiz. I don’t know about you but I love a quiz. It takes me back my teenage magazine days and brings me all the nostalgia. I’ve got the quiz all planned out with the topic, questions and answers but let me say, creating a quiz is no easy task especially when you do it properly.
You can definitely create one quickly if you come up with the questions, answers and a short response but in order for a quiz to truly be it’s most effective, there is a lot more than goes into it.
In fact, whilst I’m talking about this, it’s given me an idea for a podcast episode. Once I’ve created and launched my quiz, I’ll do a podcast episode on how to create a quiz for your online business.
I won’t reveal too much about the quiz just yet but I will tell you the topic – It’s going to be called ‘What’s next for your passive income journey? Get your personalised path to passive income success!’
The quiz is going to have custom designed landing pages with personalised resources and advice for your outcome as well as a private podcast. Oh yes, I’m going all out and I can’t wait to put this all together for you all.
Increase my visibility
Something else that is a very big focus for me not only this year but going forwards is increasing my visibility. As I mentioned earlier, one of my goals is to scale back on how much I use Instagram and have the rest of my marketing working for me. However, in order to be able to do that I need to continually be increasing my visibility elsewhere.
What this looks like for me is more guest podcast spots and quadrupling the size of my email list by December 2024. I have set myself a goal to be on 20 podcasts this year so let’s see how that goes shall we.
My marketing strategy is going to be relying heavily on long-form content such as this podcast and my blog as well as growing my audience by tapping into other peoples audiences. I’m also going to be putting a huge focus on email marketing too.
Officially launch Made by Fleurir
Last but by no means least is to officially launch Made by Fleurir. I’ve had my Showit template shop since July 2019 and sometime last year I moved it over to it’s own domain and business – Made by Fleurir but I did it quietly. I simply copied the pages over to a new account in Showit, worked on redirecting all my pages and hit publish.
It was a project that again, was planned for last year but hey, it’s a 2024 project now and one that I can’t wait to officially launch. I don’t have a launch date in mind yet but I’m looking forward to flexing my design muscles and getting stuck into working on some new template designs.
To keep the shop inline with the rest of my business, there is going to be a big focus on the templates being designed specifically for those building a scalable business. Think digital product shop pages, sales pages, landing pages for freebies, Thrivecart checkout pages, webinar funnel pages and more!
As you can see, I’ve got my work cut out for me this year with some huge projects on the horizon but it’s all things that I’m so excited for and that I know are going to be extremely beneficial to you guys.
To give you a quick recap because I always love to recap an episode, here’s what’s coming up for Fleurir Online in 2024.
- The relaunch of the podcast – this one is already in motion because you’ve just listened to the second episode of the all new Expand Your Impact podcast.
- Create four brand new courses – I must be crazy but I’m going to be launching four brand new courses this year to support you on your scalable business journey.
- Restart the weekly Digital Diaries emails – Get weekly behind the scenes emails from me every Thursday as I build out my new scalable business model.
- Launch a quiz – Want to know what’s next on your passive income journey? I’m launching a free quiz to help you.
- Increase my visibility – I’m talking guest podcast features and quadrupling my email list numbers.
- Officially launch Made by Fleurir – It’s time to show my template shop some love and officially launch it with some brand new templates.
As I said earlier, I’ll be sharing about my journey here on the podcast as and when I feel appropriate but if you want weekly updates on what’s going on behind the scenes then be sure to sign up to my weekly Digital Diaries email series where you’ll receive a new email each and every Thursday. Sign up at or via the link in the shownotes.
I hope you enjoyed this episode and don’t forget to tune in next Tuesday for a brand new episode.