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In today’s episode, I’m going to be sharing with you my business plans and goals for 2024. I know, I know… it’s the end of February and I’m sharing my plans for 2024 when most people shared theirs back in December or January but do you know what, it doesn’t matter what time of year […]

The Brand, Market, Flourish podcast has been rebranded and it is stepping into its 2.0 era. So it’s goodbye to Brand, Market, Flourish and hello to Expand Your Impact. This means that not only is there a new name, there is also new cover art and a new intro. Listen to this episode So what […]

Welcome to the first ever episode of the Brand, Market, Flourish podcast. I honestly can’t believe I’m recording this. Launching a podcast has been on my yearly goals list for the past two years but I just kept putting it off.  The truth is, I didn’t really have a plan for it. I simply knew […]

I don’t know about you but I love reading fellow business owners end of year reviews and I wanted to share mine for 2019 with you here. It’s important before setting goals for the new year to reflect on the previous year. After all, how will you learn from what you have experienced if you […]

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